Babusar Top is well-known as the highest locality at an altitude of approximately 13,700 feet. It is situated at the border of two significant Provinces of Pakistan named Gilgit Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Every Toursit Who want to visit Babusar top must be aware babusar top weather because its important for tourist
Babusar Top Weather in the summer season is the best. At that time, it is an exceptional place to visit. On the other hand, in the winter season, it remained covered in full snow. However, at the top, the temperature and sceneries are very delightful
Babusar Top Weather Latest Updates
Current Babusar Top Weather
The weather currently in Babusar top, Pakistan is persisting to be:
Partly cloudy.
A maximum temperature of 5°C
A minimum temperature of -4°C.
The predicted precipitation falling is 0.00 mm.
14 days Babusar Top Weather Forecast
This chart shown below describes the 14-day Babusar Top Weather trend situated in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan including minimum and maximum temperatures, daily weather symbols, precipitation amount, and raining probability.
- The deviation is colored differently within the graph. The more substantial the ups and downs, the more doubtful the forecast will be. The thick line signifies the most presumable trend.
- Deviance in precipitation is shown as a “T”. There will be distinguished possibilities after 6-10 days.
- The forecast is generated with ensemble models. Several models operate with differing start parameters that are determined to evaluate the predictability of the forecast more accurately.
Weekly Babusar Top Weather Forecast
1.Looking at the weekly weather conditions in Babusar, Pakistan. The national weather service is reporting:
2.The maximum temperature measure will be approximately 5℃ (or 40℉) on 8th February Monday at around 2 pm.
3.In a similar week, the minimum temperature will be approximate -4℃ or 24℉ on 13th February Saturday at around 5 am.
4.9th February Tuesday may be the wettest day in the coming week. There can be around 0.40mm or 0.0 inches of rainfall too.
5.Moreover, the windiest of the entire week will be 8th February Monday, as the speed of wind can reach a range of 3mph or 5kmph at 8 pm approximately.
Babusar Top Weather corresponding to different seasons of the year
- The Kaghan Valley is said at its pleasantest throughout the summer season, starting in May till ending in September.
- In the month of May, the maximum temperature recorded is 11°C (52°F), while the minimum recorded temperature is 3°C (37°F).
- Then from the middle of July month up to September’s end, the path ahead Naran is welcoming right up to the famous Babusar Pass.
- However, traveling gets restricted when the monsoon and winter seasons arrive.
- In extreme winter, Babusar Top has been recorded to receive more than six inches of snow.
Attraction and Tourism Promotion KP government is striving to increase winter tourism. For that this year, several hotels of Naran, Kaghan, and Shogran are nevertheless open for visitors despite a dropped to 0oC temperature. And it is further expected that following more snowfall occurrence during the prevailing week (as anticipated by the metrological department), the temperature may fall even below 0oC.