Psoriasis affects millions of individuals worldwide, yet there are still many misconceptions about it.

  1. It goes beyond a rash

Psoriasis is more than just dry skin; it generates red, itchy, flaky skin that might resemble a rash. Since it is an autoimmune illness, the body is unable to distinguish between healthy cells and foreign objects. As a result, the body starts attacking its tissues and cells, which is upsetting and challenging to control.

Dry, crusty patches develop when skin cells accumulate on the skin’s surface in the case of psoriasis because this attack increases the development of new skin cells.

  1. It is impossible to ‘catch a case’ of psoriasis.

Although psoriasis can often appear infectious on others, don’t be scared to shake hands with or touch someone who has it. Even if a close family has the condition and you start exhibiting symptoms, it doesn’t always mean that you “caught” psoriasis from them. Having relatives who have psoriasis increases your chance of developing it since certain genes have been linked to the disease.

 But ultimately, there is no risk of “catch[ing]” psoriasis because it is not communicable.

  1. Currently, there is no remedy

Psoriasis has no known treatment, just like other autoimmune disorders.

 Psoriasis flare-ups can occur suddenly, but numerous psoriasis treatments might lessen their frequency and induce remission, which is a time during which symptoms are gone. Depending on the individual, the condition may go into remission for a few days, a few months, or even several years. 

  1. There are several types and sizes of triggers.

A stressful professional decision may undoubtedly cause someone’s psoriasis to flare up, but it’s by no means the only trigger out there. Psoriasis can also flare up as a result of other factors such as skin injuries, infections, exposure to sunshine, smoking, and even alcohol usage. It’s critical for people who have the illness to identify their triggers and take protective measures for their skin.

  1. You can get psoriasis anyplace on your body.

Any portion of the body can develop psoriasis, although the scalp, knees, elbows, hands, and feet are among the most prevalent locations.

 Although it can happen, facial psoriasis is uncommon compared to other areas of the body. When the condition does affect the face, the hairline, brows, and skin between the nose and upper lip are frequently affected.

  1. Wintertime symptoms may worsen

Inflammation and skin drying are further effects of cold weather. But this is where things get tricky: to stay warm throughout the winter, many individuals spend more time indoors, which reduces their exposure to the light. It has been demonstrated for psoriasis treatment that exposure to sunlight’s abundant UVB and natural vitamin D can help prevent or lessen psoriasis flare-ups. Each session needs to be restricted to 10 minutes.

 Therefore, even while the cold could be bad for your skin, it’s still necessary to attempt to get some sun exposure.

  1. Psoriasis usually appears in adulthood.

The National Psoriasis Foundation states that both men and women are equally affected by the condition and that it often manifests between the ages of 15 and 35. Only 10 to 15 per cent of people with psoriasis have their condition identified before turning age 10.

  1. There are several varieties of psoriasis.

The most typical kind of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis, is characterized by elevated, red areas of dead skin cells. Other kinds with distinctive lesions include:

Additionally, psoriatic arthritis affects up to 30% of those who have psoriasis. In addition to skin irritation, this kind of psoriasis generates arthritic symptoms such as joint inflammation.

  1. Most patients experience minor symptoms

The good news is that while psoriasis severity varies from person to person, just 20% of people have moderate to severe psoriasis, compared to 80% who have a mild version of the condition. When the condition affects more than 5% of the body’s surface, it is considered severe psoriasis.

Consult the best skin specialist in Lahore for psoriasis treatment as soon as you notice symptoms if you think you may be developing psoriasis so they can monitor your condition.